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Christiensen, L., C.L. Gilbert and J. Kaminski (2017). Chapter 16 of L. Christiaensen and D. Demery (eds.), Agriculture in Africa, Washington DC: World Bank.
Gilbert, C.L. (2016). “The dynamics of the world cocoa price”. Chapter 16 of M.P. Squicciarini and J. Swinnen (eds.), The Economics of Chocolate. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
See "Data and code" section for data.
Gilbert, C.L., and S. Pfuderer (2014). “The financialization of food commodity markets”. Chapter 6 of R. Jha, R. Gaiha and A. Deolalikar eds., Handbook on Food: Demand, Supply, Sustainability and Security . Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Gilbert, C.L., ands A. Prakesh (2011). “Rising vulnerability in the global food system: beyond market fundamentals”. Chapter 3 of A. Prakesh ed., Safeguarding Food Security in Volatile Global Markets. Rome: FAO.
Gilbert, C.L. (2011). “Grains pass-through, 2005-09”. Chapter 7 of A. Prakesh ed., Safeguarding Food Security in Volatile Global Markets. Rome: FAO.
Gilbert, C.L. (2011). “International commodity agreements”. Chapter 11 of A. Prakesh ed., Safeguarding Food Security in Volatile Global Markets. Rome: FAO.
Gilbert, C.L., and A. Tabova (2011). “Coping with food price surges”, (with A. Tabova). Chapter 18 of A. Prakesh ed., Safeguarding Food Security in Volatile Global Markets. Rome: FAO.
Gilbert, C.L., and C.W. Morgan (2011). “Food price volatility”. Chapter 4 of I. Piot-Lepetit and R. M'Barek (eds.), Methods to Analyse Agricultural Commodity Price Volatility. Berlin: Springer, 45-62.
Dana, J., and C.L. Gilbert (2008). “Managing agricultural price risk in developing countries”. Chapter 13 of H. Geman ed., Risk Management in Commodity Markets: From Shipping to Agriculturals and Energy. Chichester: Wiley Finance.
Gilbert, C.L., and D. Vines (2008). “The World Bank”. In K.A. Reinert and R.S. Rajan (eds.), The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Gilbert, C.L., and D. Qin (2007). “Representation in econometrics: a historical perspective”. Chapter 10 of M. Boumans ed., Measurement in Economics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gilbert, C.L. (2007). “International commodity agreements”. Chapter 44 of W.A. Kerr and J.D. Gaisford eds., Handbook on International Trade Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Gilbert, C.L. (2007). “Prix des matières premières: gestion des risques versus stabilization”. Chapter 13 of J.M. Boussard and H. Delorme eds., La Régulation des Marchés Agricoles Internationaux. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Gilbert, C.L., and D. Qin (2006). “The first fifty years of modern econometrics” (with D. Qin), ch. 4 of T.C. Mills and K. Patterson eds., Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. 1, Econometric Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gilbert, C.L. (2006). “Trends and volatility in agricultural commodity prices”. Chapter 2 of A. Sarris and D. Hallam eds., Agricultural Commodity Markets and Trade, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Dehn, J., C.L. Gilbert and P. Varangis (2005). “Agricultural commodity price volatility”. Chapter 4 of J. Aizenman and B. Pinto eds., Managing Economic Volatility and Crises, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L. (2004). “International commodity agreements as internationally sanctioned cartels”. Chapter 9 of P.Z. Grossman ed., How Cartels Endure and How They Fail, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Gilbert, C.L., G. Irwin and D. Vines (2004). “How should the IMF view capital controls?”. Chapter 7 of D. Vines and C.L. Gilbert and, eds. The IMF and its Critics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L. and D. Vines (2004). “The IMF and international financial architecture: solvency and liquidity”. Chapter 1 of D. Vines and C.L. Gilbert and, eds. The IMF and its Critics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L., and P. Varangis (2004). “Globalization and international commodity trade with specific reference to the West African cocoa producers”. Chapter 4 of R.E. Baldwin and L.A. Winters eds., Challenges to Globalization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Burger, K., C.L. Gilbert and H. Smit (2002). “Regulation and deregulation of commodity markets in the twentieth century”. Chapter 1 of E. Chrispeels ed., International Commodity Organizations in Transition. London: Cameron May.
Gilbert, C.L. (2002). “Commodity risk management: preliminary lessons from the International Task Force”. Chapter 2 of R. Garnault ed., Resource Management in Asia Pacific Developing Countries. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press.
Gilbert, C.L., and D. Vines (2000). “The World Bank: an overview of some major issues”. Chapter 1 of C.L. Gilbert and D. Vines, eds. The World Bank: Structure and Policies. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L., A. Powell and D. Vines (2002). "Positioning the World Bank". Chapter 2 of C.L. Gilbert and D. Vines, eds. The World Bank: Structure and Policies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L., R. Hopkins, A. Powell and A. Roy (2000). “The World Bank, conditionality and the Comprehensive Development Framework”. Chapter 11 of C.L. Gilbert and D. Vines, eds. The World Bank: Structure and Policies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L., and D. Qin (1998). “Econometric methodology”. In J.B. Davis, D.W. Hands and U. Mäki (eds.), The Handbook of Economic Methodology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Brunetti, C., C.L. Gilbert and G.P. Teyssiere (1997). “Non-ferrous metals price volatility: a fractionally integrated process?”. In R. Jameson ed., Managing Metals Price Risk. London: Risk Publications.
Brunetti, C., and C.L. Gilbert (1996). “Commodity price volatility in the nineties”. In K.T. Smith and P. Kennison (eds.), Commodity Derivatives and Finance. London: Euromoney Books.
Gilbert, C.L. (1993). “Domestic price stabilization schemes for developing countries”. Chapter 2 of S. Claessens and R.C. Duncan (eds.), Managing Commodity Price Risk in Developing Countries.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.
Anderson, R.W., and C.L. Gilbert (1992). “Commodity agreements”. In P. Newman, M. Milgate and J. Eatwell (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gilbert, C.L. (1992). “Commodity markets”. In P. Newman, M. Milgate and J. Eatwell (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gilbert, C.L. (1992). “Should marketing boards stabilise prices through forward purchases?”. Chapter 10 of I. Goldin and L.A. Winters eds.: Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L. (1991). “Do economists test theories? Demand analysis and consumption analysis as tests of theories of economic methodology". Chapter 4 of N. de Marchi and M. Blaug eds.: Appraising Economic Theories. London: Edward Elgar.
Gilbert, C.L. (1990). “The response of primary commodity prices to exchange rate changes”. In L. Phlips ed.: Commodity Futures and Financial Markets. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Gilbert, C.L., and T. Palaskas (1990). “Modelling expectations formation in primary commodity markets”. Chapter 3 of L.A. Winters and D. Sapsford (eds), Primary Commodity Prices: Economic Models and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L. (1988). “Optimal and competitive storage rules: the Gustafson problem revisited”. Chapter 2 of O. Guvenen (ed.), International Commodity Market Models and Policy Analysis. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Gilbert, C.L., and A. Powell (1988). “The use of commodity contracts for the management of developing country commodity risks”. Chapter 5 of D. Currie and D. Vines eds.: Macroeconomic Interactions between North and South. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, C.L. (1982). “Economic models for discrete (integer valued) economic processes”. Chapter 12 of E.G. Charatsis ed.: Selected Papers on Contemporary Econometric Problems. Athens: Athens School of Economics and Business Science.
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